Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I gotta dick y'all!

Kinda whack that it's white tho

My surgery involved a delicate disection of my bladder... as a result I temporarily lost the function of it and I've been fitted with a supra-pubic cathetor. That fancy word just means that instead of the tube coming out of my urethra, they cut a hole in my lower abdomen and I get to carry around the lovely piss purse pictured below. Ironically I always wondered what it would be like to have to stand up, aim, and shoot when I pee and I must say IT'S FUCKING OVERRATED!!!


  1. I like your toilet seat cover and your rug. Its pretty! lol Random

  2. @Lee I have had it almost 2 weeks, they may take it out this Friday

  3. Wait a that my bathroom??? LOLOL I sure as hell hope it's this Friday (well probably not as much as you but pretty close!)

  4. You still can't pee in the snow...
