Monday, December 27, 2010

Utterly Useless Legal Jargon

My hysterectomy was the first time I had ever had major surgery. My father has had cancer surgery twice before so I kinda knew what to expect they day of. Two days prior I had to go to the hospital for my pre-op appointment. I wasn't sure what it would entail so I asked my "baby daddy" to go with. I needed him there so he could distract me just in case I turned into a blubbering mess. Mostly it was paperwork, a lot of instructions, a few x-rays, and they drew some blood. They asked me a bunch of questions about my medical history. The staff kept saying, "Wow you filled out those questions really quickly." To which I replied, "There's nothing wrong with me other than that I have cancer." The disclosures I had to sign were careful to mention all that could go awry while I would be under the knife, including the minor detail that I could die. I thought that other than signing in the day of I was done with legal forms. When I got there on the morning of my procedure I had to take off my clothes and the song and dance of finding a vein for my I.V. ensued. Although at this point I was scared shitless, I was still able to keep my composure. To my shock and awe these fuckers flop a clipboard down in front of me with a form that reads, "Acknowledgement of Sterilization". Maybe I'm super sensitive but, couldn't this part have been included in my paperwork two days earlier??? Furthermore, why do I even have to sign it? You have to have a womb to carry a baby and since they would be cutting mine out, why would I not know that I would be sterile? Needless to say I lost it at that point. I felt like I was signing away my womanhood. I understand that the hospital has to protect themselves but couldn't they find a more tactful way to present it? Insensitive assholes!


  1. If you didn't add any humor to your post I think I would be in here crying. Stay strong.

  2. @Carnage I have to laugh to keep from crying sometimes so I pass it on, just the way I am
